Tracing paper, graphite dust, wood putty, PVA. 36.5 x 49"

From Ditch to Dawn
From Ditch to Dawn

Wood, duct tape, bamboo skewer, wax paper. 6.5' x 3.75' x 3.5'

From Ditch to Dawn, detail
From Ditch to Dawn, detail

Detail of wax paper, skewer and found wood.

A Betting Blessing Stick
A Betting Blessing Stick

Wooden tomato support, wood glue, trident gum wrappers, Betsy's cactus, wire. Dimensions variable

A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
Seminole Fresh
Seminole Fresh

Sewn gum wrappers. 18.5" x  5"

Vines Late Summer
Vines Late Summer

Digital Photograph

Fuck You Winn Dixie
Fuck You Winn Dixie

Paper bag, PVA glue, found wood, garden tomato. Dimensions variable

Better Boy, Early Girl
Better Boy, Early Girl

Family heirloom, graphite. 6.5" x 10"

Ocean Highway, a Love Tale of Cat, Pat, Penny, and Elmo
Ocean Highway, a Love Tale of Cat, Pat, Penny, and Elmo

Family heirloom. Dimensions variable

From Ditch to Dawn
From Ditch to Dawn, detail
A Betting Blessing Stick
A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
Seminole Fresh
Vines Late Summer
Fuck You Winn Dixie
Better Boy, Early Girl
Ocean Highway, a Love Tale of Cat, Pat, Penny, and Elmo

Tracing paper, graphite dust, wood putty, PVA. 36.5 x 49"

From Ditch to Dawn

Wood, duct tape, bamboo skewer, wax paper. 6.5' x 3.75' x 3.5'

From Ditch to Dawn, detail

Detail of wax paper, skewer and found wood.

A Betting Blessing Stick

Wooden tomato support, wood glue, trident gum wrappers, Betsy's cactus, wire. Dimensions variable

A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
A Betting Blessing Stick, detail
Seminole Fresh

Sewn gum wrappers. 18.5" x  5"

Vines Late Summer

Digital Photograph

Fuck You Winn Dixie

Paper bag, PVA glue, found wood, garden tomato. Dimensions variable

Better Boy, Early Girl

Family heirloom, graphite. 6.5" x 10"

Ocean Highway, a Love Tale of Cat, Pat, Penny, and Elmo

Family heirloom. Dimensions variable

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