Letters to Ruby , 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

Letters to Ruby, 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

  Letters to Ruby , 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

Letters to Ruby, 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

  Letters to Ruby  , 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

Letters to Ruby, 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

  Tampa With and Without You , 2014, paper, acrylic, cotton, nylon, 43 x 28 x 9 in.

Tampa With and Without You, 2014, paper, acrylic, cotton, nylon, 43 x 28 x 9 in.

  Tampa With and Without You , detail

Tampa With and Without You, detail

  A Pyramid on Shoal Road,    
 18 pt 
 18 pt 
 /* Style Definitions */
	{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";

A Pyramid on Shoal Road, 2014, paper collage, 41 x 27 in.



  A Pyramid on Shoal Road , detail

A Pyramid on Shoal Road, detail

  Second Row Left, Second In,  2014,  paper collage,  58 x 42 x 4 in.    

Second Row Left, Second In, 2014, paper collage, 58 x 42 x 4 in.


  Second Row Left, Second In,  detail

Second Row Left, Second In, detail

  Second Row Left, Second In (verso),   2014,   paper collage,   58 x 42 x 4 in.

Second Row Left, Second In (verso), 2014, paper collage, 58 x 42 x 4 in.

  Second Row Left, Second In (verso) , detail

Second Row Left, Second In (verso), detail

  Wayne's Left Ear ,   
 18 pt 
 18 pt 
 /* Style Definitions */
	{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";

Wayne's Left Ear2014, acrylic, plastic, digital print carbon paper, 31 x 19  x 3 in.



  Wayne's Left Ear , detail

Wayne's Left Ear, detail

  Top Drawer Notes,  2014, paper, polyester foam, cotton, plastic, foil, 33 x 22 x 3 in.

Top Drawer Notes, 2014, paper, polyester foam, cotton, plastic, foil, 33 x 22 x 3 in.

  Top Drawer Notes,  detail

Top Drawer Notes, detail

  Top Drawer Notes , detail

Top Drawer Notes, detail

  Watch your Watch, Nellie , 2014, foam, paper, plastic, acrylic, 39 x 20 x 3 in.

Watch your Watch, Nellie, 2014, foam, paper, plastic, acrylic, 39 x 20 x 3 in.

  Letter , 2014, collage, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

Letter, 2014, collage, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

  Letter (verso) , 2014, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

Letter (verso), 2014, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

  Letters to Ruby , 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.
  Letters to Ruby , 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.
  Letters to Ruby  , 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.
  Tampa With and Without You , 2014, paper, acrylic, cotton, nylon, 43 x 28 x 9 in.
  Tampa With and Without You , detail
  A Pyramid on Shoal Road,    
 18 pt 
 18 pt 
 /* Style Definitions */
	{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
  A Pyramid on Shoal Road , detail
  Second Row Left, Second In,  2014,  paper collage,  58 x 42 x 4 in.    
  Second Row Left, Second In,  detail
  Second Row Left, Second In (verso),   2014,   paper collage,   58 x 42 x 4 in.
  Second Row Left, Second In (verso) , detail
  Wayne's Left Ear ,   
 18 pt 
 18 pt 
 /* Style Definitions */
	{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
  Wayne's Left Ear , detail
  Top Drawer Notes,  2014, paper, polyester foam, cotton, plastic, foil, 33 x 22 x 3 in.
  Top Drawer Notes,  detail
  Top Drawer Notes , detail
  Watch your Watch, Nellie , 2014, foam, paper, plastic, acrylic, 39 x 20 x 3 in.
  Letter , 2014, collage, 19.5 X 15.5 in.
  Letter (verso) , 2014, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

Letters to Ruby, 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

Letters to Ruby, 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

Letters to Ruby, 2014, graphite, carbon paper, acrylic, safety pins, 39 x 38 x 8 in.

Tampa With and Without You, 2014, paper, acrylic, cotton, nylon, 43 x 28 x 9 in.

Tampa With and Without You, detail

A Pyramid on Shoal Road, 2014, paper collage, 41 x 27 in.



A Pyramid on Shoal Road, detail

Second Row Left, Second In, 2014, paper collage, 58 x 42 x 4 in.


Second Row Left, Second In, detail

Second Row Left, Second In (verso), 2014, paper collage, 58 x 42 x 4 in.

Second Row Left, Second In (verso), detail

Wayne's Left Ear2014, acrylic, plastic, digital print carbon paper, 31 x 19  x 3 in.



Wayne's Left Ear, detail

Top Drawer Notes, 2014, paper, polyester foam, cotton, plastic, foil, 33 x 22 x 3 in.

Top Drawer Notes, detail

Top Drawer Notes, detail

Watch your Watch, Nellie, 2014, foam, paper, plastic, acrylic, 39 x 20 x 3 in.

Letter, 2014, collage, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

Letter (verso), 2014, 19.5 X 15.5 in.

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